Universal Supervisor Charger
Battery Charger for the LifePak 15
- The Universal Supervisor Charger (USC) with LifePak 15 (LP15) adapter is intended for use with the LP15 monitor/defibrillator batteries
- Additional charging modes for medical batteries: Charge, Calibration, Storage or AirShip programs
- Supports up to six batteries at a time -- options for 1, 2, and 6 bays
- Plug-and-play solution

USC-1 bay with LP15 battery and adapter

Diagnostic Charger for the LifePak 15
- The Universal Supervisor Charger (USC) works in Standalone Mode or connected to CadexLink and CadexCloud to capture battery data and analytics.

Customize Settings for Reliability and Economy
Core Features

State of Health (SoH) Light
Inserting a battery with sufficient capacity shows a green SoH Light on the charger; falling short calls for calibration with orange.

Target Selector
Adjustable by PC:
85-90%: Critical mission -- Fewer batteries pass
80%: Default setting -- Average setting
60-70%: Relaxed duty -- Batteries serve longer

Connecting to a PC shows battery state-of-functions. The outer ring reveals battery state-of-charge. The black ceiling tracks capacity fade against the red line. Touching the Dome displays battery data.

The PC stores battery history to track performance for user and fleet supervisors.

CadexCloud tracks battery state of health for medical batteries
Cloud Analytics makes battery performance visible to user and fleet supervisor. Each battery is fully utilized with calls to replace before failure. The system is automated and can be operated remotely.