Diagnostic chargers, battery analyzers, and rapid testers
Pioneers in Advanced Diagnostic Battery Management (DBM) to care for batteries from workforce to retirement
Reliable partner in quality assurance and engineering
Cadex employs some of the best talent in the industry. We do what we love best and this synergy reflects in creative thinking and strong customer service. Reward comes with buyer satisfaction.
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Diagnostic Battery Management
Battery diagnostics has been lagging. Performance transparency in batteries must be equal or higher than in fossil-burning fuel.
Cadex realizes the importance of batteries and is developing rapid-test technologies that assesses capacity noninvasively. Capacity is the leading health indicator.
In the last few years, multiple battery test methods have emerged, each with benefits and limitations. The Battery Diagnose Pyramid illustrates new and old technologies.
Patented Rapid Test Methods by Cadex
Dynamic Response has successfully been used in battery analyzers to rapid-test batteries, a method that checks ion-flow in Li-ion as a function of battery health.
U.S. Patent 10,302,709; U.S. Patent 7,622,929
Spectro™ takes the electrochemical evidence of a battery and creates a Nyquist that is modeled against a matrix. Data fusion then calculates capacity and other values analogous to face recognition.
U.S. Patent 7,072,871; U.S. Patent 6,778,913
The Parser estimates the capacity of Li-ion by measuring the residual charge with the Extended Kalman Filter and then counting coulombs to full charge. The sum of residual charge plus new charge equals available battery capacity.
Limitations: The battery must by sufficiently discharged (40%) to gain a long enough ‘runway.’
U.S. Patent 11,079,437